Lecture Archive
The following Lectures represent a work in progress that will continue to evolve. No individual theory or thinker has the final word. This represents my current thinking and my only hope is that you will find it useful. I do not expect that anyone will agree with everything or even most of it. Disagreement is fruitful when combined with curiosity. I also hope it’s provocative and fun. Enjoy!
Below you find the Video Lectures, Further down the page you will find the podcast version of the video lectures
Evolutionary Psychology
On Human Nature
Freud: An Introduction
The Oedipus Complex
Infant Development
Adolescent Development
Fusion and Merger
Dream Interpretation
Audio lectures Archive
The following lectures are suitable for downloading to various electronic devises. My hope is that you may find it convenient to listen to them in this format. Here are some instructions on how to download and save the lectures to your personal device.
Psychology Introduction
Evolutionary Psychology
On Human Nature
Freud- An Introduction
Oedipus Complex
Infant Development
Adolescent Development
Dream Interpretation
Fusion & Merger