
Child Development Counseling

Our life from birth to approximately 5 years of age sets the stage for the rest of our lives. We must come to understand that critical period as the core of our character and personality. Experience accumulates and we can never really get away from our childhood. We can build upon and strengthen that fundamental experience but we can never exist without it being central to who we are. This is the central challenge of all good therapy.

Can we face the truth of our early life? Can we see that who we are and what we believe is in most cases little more than the way we were trained and not the reality we thought it was? Can we face the power of the repressed, unconscious experiences of our childhood and learn the truth and the possibilities of our lives beyond our training?

Perhaps most importantly, can we even affirm all that has come before no matter the difficulty or the trauma? Can we build beyond our unique and unalterable heritage? We can, with great courage, perhaps give it a new meaning.

There are four one-hour lectures on the basics of child development in the lecture archive of this site. It is my hope that they will give us a common language to discuss your history and hopes.

you can view my Child development Video lecture series

Or you can download the Child Development Audio Lectures

Make an appointment now

In the end, there is no substitute for just picking up the phone and making the call to set an initial appointment.  I am here to help you make the changes that will make your fantasies into reality.